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Betania Church 
Powerstown Road, Dublin 15, Ireland; D15 V0YK

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Thursday 31st Oct, 2024

6pm to 9pm

(Doors open at 5.30 pm)

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Welcome to Betania Church. 


Some things to note​:

- Need help? Look out for the ushers in the pink badge.

- Children aged 7 - 12 can be signed in at the entrance foyer for the children section. Follow the guidance of ushers.


1)    By Car:

Type in "Betania Church Powerstown Rd" in Google Maps and it will bring you to the venue.



2)    Dublin bus

40d (From Parnell St to Tyrrelstown)

38a (From O'Connel to Castlecurragh Mulhuddart)




Pushing Back The Darkness

For too long, the 31st day of October has been a celebration of darkness and evil and our children are asked to join in trick and treating. We hereby call on all Christians to join this bold vision to reclaim the day for the Lord through Praise and Prayer. 


The 31st of October every year has been designated as a National Praise Day, we pray that we shall arise and rejoice in the victory of the Lord. (Exodus 15)


 We are hereby calling on all church leaders, ministers and Christians of all denominations to join us at the magnificent Betania Church for an evening of praise and prayers!

register to receive the video messages, prayer points and other materials

Our Story

A celebration of prayer and praise 

An evening of fun and divine praise in an atmosphere

of joy and light!

Featuring Choirs and worship leaders from around the nation!



welcome to an evening of high praise

getting here

Directions to Betania Church

(Powerstown Road, Tyrrelstown, Dublin 15. D15 V0YK


1)    By Car:

Type in "Betania Church Powerstown Rd" in Google Maps and it will bring you to the venue.



2)    Dublin bus

40d (From Parnell St to Tyrrelstown)

38a (From O'Connel to Castlecurragh Mulhuddart)

* Car park is at owners risk

Getting There
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This is Ireland National Praise Day!!!

An event in which the body of Christ in Ireland will come together in unity, lifting our hands in Worship and Adoration to God Almighty Every 31st October; at a chosen venue and in all local assemblies. Together, we are stronger!!!


We are therefore, delighted to ask you to join in this Annual lreland National Praise Day 31st October.  The body of Christ in Ireland have agreed through divine guidance to organise an Annual National Praise on every 31st October beginning in Ireland and Worldwide in the future.

This is a “Clarion Call for a Prophetic Assignment” that intends through collaborative Praise /Worship to Enthrone the KING of Kings, thereby bring down A Divine Cloud of Glory that will cover the Nation, engulf and destroy the darkness in the Land. Especially the darkness generated through the celebration evil spirits.


“A United Praise Strategy,” is the key God has given us to bring down His Glory, which will unlock the gates to set Captives free, break down walls, Destroy yokes… The Glory of God will heal our nation and bring the restoration and exponential fire of revival He had promised us.

This will further boost bonding of the body of Christ. Jesus Christ prayed for Unity of His church; John 17:23. Eph. 4;5. Through this cooperate worship our impact will be multiplied in the Nation. The people of the world appears to apply a united force strategy more than children of Light. The enemy is working relentlessly to advance his kingdom in Ireland and universally, “but the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. We all have been earnestly praising and interceding in our individual ministries, but it is time we re-strategize. Together we will Stop this Strategic advancement of the kingdom of Darkness in our nation.


This corporate vision was established on the 15th of May 2019. It will give us the opportunity to make a change nationwide and worldwide. Together our voices will rise in Praise and Adoration to the God of The Universe; we will Redeem this Day “31st October” as a Day of Special Praise and Worship for the Most High God in Ireland and Worldwide!

Be involved

As part of the National Day of Prayer and National Praise Day (both on 31st October) we are asking all Churches and Christian ministries to join us in dedicating the day to praise and prayer.


The National Day of Prayer on Monday, 31st October is a call for Christians throughout Ireland to come to God in prayer and fasting. To really seek God with all our hearts and pray for an awakening of faith throughout this island and an outpouring of renewal upon the Church. This is an opportunity for a  concerted effort from churches and individuals of all denominations and backgrounds to come before God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, by the power and unity of the Holy Spirit, and cry out for our land.


For more details, call

Tel: Pastor Nick Park +353 876597161,        Kate Nwana +353 872101423

Contact Us

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